AWS API Gateway CORS Enablement Failing


Hello All,

I have created few endpoints in the past and enabled CORS. It was all working fine. For past 2 months, I am unable to enable CORS on any endpoint. I have tried creating the endpoint on other region as well. Same exception.

Are you facing similar problems? If so, can you please guide me with solution?

thanks and regards, saveteha! API Gateway CORS Error

1 Answer

Hello saveteha,

It's difficult to determine the root cause of the CORS error without more information about the specific error message you're receiving. You can try the following troubleshooting steps that you can follow to help resolve the issue:

Double-check your CORS configuration: Ensure that your CORS configuration is correctly set up in your API Gateway. Verify that the allowed origins, methods, and headers are all correctly specified. You can do this by going to the API Gateway console, selecting the API that contains the endpoint you're trying to enable CORS for, and then selecting the "CORS" option from the "Actions" dropdown menu.

Check the response headers: When making a request to your API, check the response headers to see if the CORS headers are being correctly returned. You can do this using the browser's developer tools or by using a tool like Postman. Look for the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", and "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" headers. If these headers are missing or not correctly set, then your CORS configuration may be incorrect.

Check if there are any errors in your Lambda function or backend service: If your API endpoint is backed by a Lambda function or another backend service, then there may be an error in that service that is preventing the CORS headers from being correctly returned. Check the logs for your Lambda function or backend service to see if there are any errors.

Check if there are any network issues: If you're unable to enable CORS on any endpoint, then there may be a network issue that is preventing the headers from being correctly returned. Check your network settings and firewall to ensure that they're not blocking the necessary traffic.

I hope these troubleshooting steps help you in resolving your CORS issue.

answered 2 years ago

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