Bug Report: Glue task-oriented landing page annoying prompt, annoying redirection from breadcrumbs


new task oriented landing page causes annoying prompt every page load, and an even more annoying redirection every time I click on a breadcrumb link.
I visit the AWS Glue page, and see the new task-oriented landing page.

It prompts me every time I visit the page. Closing the prompt does nothing, it reappears every time I return to the page. This is an unnecessary distraction. The message pushes down the entire contents of the page below, is visually distracting, and cannot be permanently closed.

When using the new page, I click a link to go to something like job monitoring. From there, I want to return, so I click the breadcrumb for AWS Glue in the upper left corner. This returns me to the old page. The old page then pops up an annoying warning saying "This page is out of date. We will redirect you to the current version..." This creates unnecessary delays when navigating and is irritating.

asked 9 months ago228 views
1 Answer


I understand that new task oriented landing page causes annoying prompt on every page load, and an even more annoying redirection every time you click on a breadcrumb link.

I checked the same at my end and could observe that every time the page is visited the prompt shows up.

Since this is causing an unnecessary distraction. The message pushes down the entire contents of the page below, is visually distracting, and cannot be permanently closed.

Please note I have taken this feedback further to our internal team.

Kindly accept my apologies on behalf of AWS for the inconvenience caused.

answered 9 months ago

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