Comprehend Endpoint Pricing - Clarification


The comprehend end point pricing says it is based on the active seconds.

"Endpoints are billed on one second increments, with a minimum of 60 seconds. Charges will continue to incur from the time you start the endpoint until it is deleted even if no documents are analyzed."

Is it something like I create the end point now and i didn't use it for 1 day. Will it billed for 24 * 60 * 60 * 0.0005 = 43.2$/day, even though i didn't used it for analysis ? This cost seems to be very high, is my understanding correct ?

Can someone clarify the "active" part in the pricing statement ?

Thank you.

2 Answers

Yes. The documentation for Amazon Comprehend gives the same guidance to delete endpoints after use.

answered 2 years ago
  • If i do the below mentioned sequence, will it be fast to make it look like real time/sync api ?

    1. create end point
    2. run analysis
    3. delete end point

    Any idea, what is the combined latency for this 3 api calls ?

    3 we can make it as async call also.


That is correct. You are charged for the endpoint regardless of use until the endpoint is deleted. The console will show you the cost based on the configuration.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thats too costly. I am not going to use it all time, say I would use it for 100 sync analysis per day. The total usage time will be around 1 hour. Are there any way work around to achieve this ?

    for sync analysis, do we need to create the end point and delete after analysis ?

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