How to import/load pretrained DeepAR model into an estimator for continuous training?


Hi, I have a trained DeepAR model saved as model.tar.gz in some S3 location. I hope to further optimize it by training for some extra epochs with extra data having same features, like transfer learning. I have read some DeepAR documentation but cannot find a way to import the trained model.

I tried using Sagemaker's Estimator's model_uri config, but it reports error for deepar, saying no 'model' channel is acceptable.

I am wondering does DeepAR have such functionality or it is still not developed?

asked 2 years ago363 views
1 Answer


Thank you for using AWS SageMaker. I understand that you are looking for Incremental training using SageMaker DeepAR algorithm where you can add trained DeepAR model saved in S3 location which further optimize your model.

Unfortunately at this time, only three built-in algorithms currently support incremental training: Object Detection - MXNet, Image Classification - MXNet, and Semantic Segmentation Algorithm.

If you need any further assistance or need detailed investigation please open a support case with AWS

answered 2 years ago

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