Does historical complaints percentage ever decrease in the AWS pinpoint?


We just breached 0.1% warning level for aws pinpoint sending out emails and currently in the 'warning' level.

I was reviewing our historic complaints percentage and it seems to only go up even after we take people who complain off the list (we get automated emails from SES about complaints (unless we aren't getting all of them)). Even after taking them off the sending lists, we see our historical complaints percentage stable and it only goes up when new complaint is email to us.

What have you done to decrease your historical complaints percentage?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Ok, this is what I got so far:

  1. in cloudwatch, I got my 'sent' parameter to csv so I could see 'compelete' number of emails sent, which was 59,944.
  2. Then I went to my email and looked at all complaints I received there. 6
  3. Which matches the rate displaed (historic complaints rate) 0.11% if you round up.

So I assume my rate will go down as I keep sending more emails without receiving a single complaint.

answered 2 years ago

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