The data transfer qutoa of Lightsail


Hello,the data transfer qutoa of Lightsail is shared in same region or only for each instance? for example,I have 8 lightsail in SG with 2TB qutoa each,so totally is 16TB,if any instance is over 2TB,but all the instance in SG is still under 16TB,will it cost overusage charge?

asked a year ago146 views
1 Answer


Hi Bob!

Thanks for reaching out with your question about Lightsail data transfer quotas! I can see you're trying to understand whether the data transfer quota is shared across instances in the same region or applies to each instance individually. Let’s break this down to ensure clarity and help you avoid any unexpected charges. 😊

Clarifying the Issue

You’ve described a scenario where you have eight Lightsail instances in the Singapore (SG) region, each with a 2TB data transfer quota. Your question is whether the 16TB combined quota can be pooled across all instances or if an individual instance exceeding its 2TB allocation would incur overage charges—even if the total usage across all instances remains below 16TB. This is a great question, as managing costs and understanding quotas are critical in Lightsail setups.

Why This Matters

Understanding data transfer allocation in Lightsail ensures you can optimize usage and prevent unnecessary overage charges. This is especially important when hosting multiple instances in a single region, as exceeding the allocated transfer limits could lead to additional fees.

Key Terms

  • Data Transfer Quota: The amount of outbound data allowed per month without incurring additional charges, provided by Lightsail as part of your instance plan.
  • Overage Charges: Fees incurred when the allocated data transfer quota for an instance is exceeded.
  • Regional Data Quota: AWS services in some contexts allow quotas to be shared regionally, but Lightsail instances operate differently.

The Solution (Our Recipe)

Steps at a Glance:

  1. Confirm that Lightsail data transfer quotas apply on a per-instance basis.
  2. Understand how overage charges work for instances exceeding their quota.
  3. Monitor and optimize instance usage to avoid overage charges.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Understand the Allocation:
    Each Lightsail instance has its own dedicated data transfer quota. For example, if an instance has a 2TB quota and exceeds this limit, overage charges will apply—even if other instances in the same region have unused quota. Lightsail does not aggregate quotas across instances in the same region.

  1. Monitor Instance Usage:
    Use the Lightsail console or AWS CLI to monitor the data transfer for each instance. For example, you can use the AWS CLI with the following command to check instance statistics:
    aws lightsail get-instance-metric-data \
        --instance-name "YourInstanceName" \
        --metric-name NetworkOut \
        --period 3600 \
        --start-time 2025-01-01T00:00:00Z \
        --end-time 2025-01-14T23:59:59Z \
        --statistics Sum \
        --unit Bytes

  1. Plan to Optimize:
    If you anticipate high usage on specific instances, consider balancing traffic or upgrading to a larger instance plan with a higher quota. Alternatively, review AWS S3 or CloudFront for hosting heavy traffic workloads to offload data transfer.

Closing Thoughts

In summary, Lightsail data transfer quotas apply individually per instance and cannot be pooled across instances, even within the same region. If one instance exceeds its quota, overage charges will apply, regardless of unused quotas on other instances.

For more details, check these AWS documentation links:


I hope this clears up your concerns, Bob! If you have more questions or need help with optimizing your setup, feel free to ask. Happy building in Lightsail! 🚀😊


Aaron 😊

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answered a month ago

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