Packaging Lambda functions into a Cloud formation Template for sharing and deployment


Hi - I have a requirement to build a file parser for mainframe fixed file from S3 and push the results to Elastic Search. I have written bunch of lambda functions using Python orchestrate by step functions. I need to package this as a solution as customers are interested to this use this POC code artifacts and enhance it for their environment. I am looking for a better to option to package my functions and sharing it. Please advise.

asked 3 years ago474 views
2 Answers

You can use AWS Serverless Application Model to package your step-function and lambda functions -

answered 3 years ago

You could use AWS SAR if you are happy for this code to be public. Otherwise, similarly to how SAR does it, have the same template structure etc. but you then need to grant access to the bucket that stores your Lambdas code so that they can use it. Mind you, you will need to then publish the functions into buckets for each region. For example, with this template you I distribute the Lambda layer and the functions "all in one". If I wanted that to be private, the only thing for me to do is to have codebuild push to each S3 bucket (1 per region) and later on grant the access to the customers for them to pull there.

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answered 3 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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