Explore AWS entity resolution for use case


Hello All, We have use case where we are building api on top of lambda . Function of that lambda is to find incoming record against some data using some match rules and retun the matched records i found. rules include some fuzzy matching eg one rule exact first name and 90% match of lastname . does aws entity resolution handles fuzzymatching.

1 Answer


To begin with, In Amazon Entity Resolution you can use Rule-based matching to get exact matches or Machine learning-based matching to get matches across your data that might be incomplete or might not look exactly the same. During my research, I came across a blog that talks about how you can use the algorithm in the AWS Lambda function works by converting each string to a collection of n-grams.

You can read more about the complete serverless solution as mentioned in this documentation.

Additional example can be found in this link.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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