Invited Workdocs user can't sign in when user identity already exists


we have a situation where when we invite a new customer to join a folder as a viewer, it is occasionally unsuccessful. This appears to be the case when the email address being used is one they have previously associated with another AWS service/account. In the user admin console, the full name of the user appears (i.e. as if there registration details had been accepted) but the status remains pending. When the user attempts to complete and submit their password, they get an error message : Server Error - There was an error with your request. Please try again later. Retrying later does not help.

1 Answer

Hello! Is your issue with an internal user (meaning, it's part of the Directory Services) or external (invited to an external email address that doesn't belong to the WorkDocs directory?

If it's internal, you can try removing the pending invitation from the Admin panel and try inviting the user again. If it's external, you should see a new user account created in Active Directory with the email address of the user as the username. You can try to manually set a password in the account and see if the user can login.

If none of the above works, please open a new support case and provide a HAR log [1] from the web browser while reproducing the issue and we will be able to assist further. Have a great day!


answered 2 years ago

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