ETL Connection reset error when pulling data from RDS DB


Looking for a little insight on this:

ETL job fails with the following error: “Connection reset on"

Basic information: *ETL job is pulling data from an RDS PostgresSQL database *This is a nightly job that starts at 6PM - error only happens on Thursday nights at 7pm (every thursday). Runs as expected every other night without issue *Job that has been running without issue for 5 years, and just starting 5 weeks ago.

  • Hi Jennifer,

    Any chance you may have your RDS maintenance window setup during that time? Any indication in logging or the RDS console that a failover might be happening during that (if multi-AZ)?

asked 2 years ago258 views
1 Answer

That was my first thought, but no, maintenance is scheduled for saturdays. Its not Multi-az. The only other thing i can think of was that maybe backups are happening but that is scheduled for 5 UTC. I havent worked much with DB's, could it be that there is more data on thursdays to query?

answered 2 years ago

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