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G5 Availability in Gov West


Curious if/when ml.g5-* instances will be available in us-gov-west-1. We would like to leverage various models that require the G5 instances to run. Thank you!

asked a year ago377 views
2 Answers

For in which regions G5 instances are currently available, you can check and watch the Whats's New feeds from following link.

For future plan, I was not able to find information I can provide here, in public. Please reach out via support contact.

answered a year ago

Regarding availability of G5 instances in a particular region, I would not be able to comment on the same.

Our service enhancements and new features are always being announced on our blogs.So ,you can keep eye on the aws updates using below links.

You can refer sagemaker pricing page for information regarding which instances are currently available for a sagemaker resource type in a particular region.


answered a year ago

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