Empty payload in the Pass step of Step Function Step Machine when triggered by an EventBridge event


In a Step Function State Machine, I want to make a decision based on a value passed by an event from EventBridge. I use a Pass step to wait for the event to be triggered, then pass it to a Choice step and make a decision based on the value of a property in the payload of the triggering event.

Upon inspecting the 'input' value of the 'Pass' step, I noticed that it's an empty object. This is unexpected, as I've set the 'Matched event' as the value of the triggering Rule in EventBridge. Despite my attempts to transform the event using dot notation ($.detail), the 'Pass' step still receives an empty object as its input value.

The end goal is that, in the Step Function, I want to wait for a Glue Crawler to finish its job. Then, based on the value of "status" in the event's payload, I decide whether to finish successfully or notify the Data Engineering team.

Can anyone guess what I am doing wrong? Do you have any ideas about what to check or how to debug?

Step Function definition:

  "StartAt": "start-parallel-glue-jobs",
  "States": {
    "start-parallel-glue-jobs": {
      "Type": "Parallel",
      "Next": "start-glue-crawler",
      "Branches": [
          "StartAt": "start-glue-job-something-as-example",
          "States": {
            "start-glue-something-as-example": {
              "End": true,
              "Type": "Task",
              "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::glue:startJobRun.sync",
              "Parameters": {
                "JobName": "something",
                "Arguments": {
                  "--something": "something"
    "start-glue-crawler": {
      "Next": "wait-for-crawler-completion",
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::aws-sdk:glue:startCrawler",
      "Parameters": {
        "Name": "something-crawler"
    "wait-for-crawler-completion": {
      "Type": "Pass",
      "ResultPath": null,
      "InputPath": "$",
      "Next": "check-crawler-state"
    "check-crawler-state": {
      "Type": "Choice",
      "Choices": [
          "Variable": "$.status",
          "StringEquals": "SUCCEEDED",
          "Next": "start-transform-glue-job"
      "Default": "crawler-failed"
    "crawler-failed": {
      "Type": "Fail",
      "Error": "Crawler failed",
      "Cause": "Crawler failed"
    "start-transform-glue-job": {
      "End": true,
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::glue:startJobRun.sync",
      "Parameters": {
        "JobName": "some-job-name"
  "TimeoutSeconds": 1800,
  "Comment": "An example"

Event Bridge:

Event pattern:

  "detail-type": ["Glue Crawler State Change"],
  "source": ["aws.glue"],
  "detail": {
    "crawlerName": ["some-crawler"],
    "state": ["SUCCEEDED", "FAILED", "STOPPED"]

Input to target: "Matched event"

When I execute the Sfn State machine, the value I see in the "Input" of the wait-for-crawler-completion is {} I use $ for input path.

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asked 2 months ago394 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I realized that “Pass” does not wait for the event & it directly passes the empty object to the next step. Also, Crawler does not support TaskToken in the "wait for token" integration pattern (unlike Lambda integration)

So, I had to use this approach: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/orchestrating-aws-glue-crawlers-using-aws-step-functions/

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answered 2 months ago

The issue you're facing is due to the way AWS Step Functions handles input from EventBridge events. By default, Step Functions expects the event payload to be wrapped in a detail object. However, in your case, the event payload is not wrapped, which is why you're seeing an empty object in the Pass state.

To resolve this issue, you can use the InputPath parameter in the Pass state to access the correct event payload. Here's how you can modify the wait-for-crawler-completion state:

"wait-for-crawler-completion": {
  "Type": "Pass",
  "ResultPath": null,
  "InputPath": "$.detail",
  "Next": "check-crawler-state"

By setting InputPath to $.detail, you're instructing Step Functions to look for the event payload within the detail object, which is how EventBridge events are structured.

Additionally, you might need to adjust the check-crawler-state state to access the correct property from the event payload. For example, if the status property is nested within the detail object, you would need to use the following expression:

"check-crawler-state": {
  "Type": "Choice",
  "Choices": [
      "Variable": "$.detail.state",
      "StringEquals": "SUCCEEDED",
      "Next": "start-transform-glue-job"
  "Default": "crawler-failed"

In this example, $.detail.state is used to access the state property from the event payload, assuming it's nested within the detail object.

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answered 2 months ago
  • Thanks, unfortunately this didn't work either.

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