CloudHSM SDK 5 ECDH Key Agreement


n the process of upgrading from SDK 3 to SDK 5 I received an exception when executing the following code using the JCE Provider:

KeyAgreement.getInstance("ECDH", CloudHsmProvider.PROVIDER_NAME);

Exception: no such algorithm: ECDH for provider CloudHSM

My question is whether or not CloudHsm SDK5 supports ECDH key agreement.



asked a year ago427 views
1 Answer

Here is some information in a previous re:Post answer on prerequisites for upgrading from HSM SDK 3 to SDK 5

I hope this helps provide insight on how to resolve, best regards.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • The post you linked doesn't answer whether SDK 5 supports ECDH key agreement or not.

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