Very new to IoT. Is AWS IoT correct for my business use case?


My company is developing a raspberry pi consumer electronics product that will be connected to the internet in our users' homes. Users will be able to tell the device what to do via Alexa voice commands.

We need a solution for

  1. Keeping the remote devices listening for commands (from lambda)
  2. Keeping the remote devices up-to-date (software/security)
  3. Activating/deactivating devices as subscribers come and go

It appears that AWS IoT might be good for this use case, but the tutorials seem to indicate the service is for managing devices WITHIN your own company... i.e. lots of varied devices in, say, a factory.

Is AWS IoT also intended for my use case -- where we're sending thousands of the same device to end users (i.e. off our own premises, no longer under our direct control*)?

Keep in mind: *Our devices cannot be encrypted and users could theoretically access all the information on the SD card. This means that multi-user private keys are out of the question. (We can still install a single-use private key or unique identifier on the device... but it would need to be unique for every device.)

Thanks in advance for confirmation that AWS IoT is suitable for this use case.

Edited by: Cyrus on Oct 3, 2019 5:48 AM

asked 5 years ago276 views
2 Answers

Hi Cyrus,

AWS IoT has many customers in the consumer electronics space. See for a few references. The services offered are designed with managing a fleet of devices sold to many end customers. There are multiple features to deliver the specified capabilities, including support for private key per device. I'm linking a few resources you may find useful.


answered 5 years ago

Awesome. That was very helpful and I now have a lambda function sending job and topic messages to my (only) raspberry pi device. I have a followup question, but will post separately.

answered 5 years ago

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