Upgrade Path for Control Tower Python 3.6 Lambdas?


So, does anyone know what the upgrade path is for the Control Tower Python 3.6 lambdas? Did AWS publish any way to resolve these issues before CT breaks in a couple months?

1 Answer

You are receiving this communication because the AWS Control Tower service contains a notification Lambda Function using Python version 3.6 which is planned for deprecation in July 2022. A new version of the Control Tower notification Lambda will be updated prior to deprecation in July. We will provide periodic updates in the Control Tower management console regarding the updates and any actions we may need you to take. We are aware that some Control Tower customers have received a number of emails regarding the Python 3.6 deprecation for Lambda functions, and we apologize for any confusion that these messages may have caused. We are working with the Lambda team to limit any future notifications.

answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago

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