How to use AWS Glue where console access is not allowed?


How to build AWS Glue ETL Jobs or Data Quality Jobs, if access to console is not allowed as per company policy. Does not having AWS Console access defeats the purpose AWS Glue? What features cannot be done through the APIs that may be done through the AWS Console?

asked 20 days ago130 views
2 Answers

Technically you can do almost everything using the AWS CLI or boto3 but obviously for visual features it's much harder to do.
The visual features is just one aspect of Glue ETL, the core is the runtime engine.
What I would do is create it using a dev/individual account and then replicate it using the API (or ideally CDK) on the production accounts.

profile pictureAWS
answered 19 days ago
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reviewed 11 days ago

I would recommend using Interactive Sessions

Besides not needing console access, you also get a better dev experience (imo).

answered 19 days ago

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