GameLift FlexMatch with Queue: Need to pass GameSession Data to Server during runtime (Lambda function or something else)



I have a complete simple GameLift Fleet + FlexMatch + Queue setup. Matches get created and users get connection IP and Port. But I need to find a way to pass GameSession Data like which map to use etc. to the GameServer when OnStartGameSession(GameSession session) is called, so I could do the Match setup. How could I do this using FlexMatch + Queue? Is there a way to hook into FlexMatch and the Queue to catch the call to OnStartGameSession to randomly select a map out of a list and send that data to the GameServer?

Thank you!

Best Regards!

1 Answer


Is this list of maps a static list that is never expected to change or is this something contingent on the players being matched? If the former can this just be a part of the game server code itself? If the latter it would mean this is player related that could be passed in as a player attribute via the StartMatchmaking call.

Is the list expected to change over time? Do you have a client service (lambda or something else perhaps) that is orchestrating setting up these matches and connecting players onto the game sessions? If so, the client service can communicate directly with the game server once it's up since it should have access to the IP address and pass this information along.


answered a year ago

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