How to convert a .265 file to HLS format using AWS Elemental MediaConvert


I tried to convert a A220531_083012_083026.265 file to HLS (m3u8) format using AWS Elemental MediaConvert job but my input was rejected. I used one of the system templates (System-Ott_Hls_Ts_Hevc_Aac) that support HEVC. Is there a way to convert .265 files to HLS using AWS Elemental MediaConvert or any other AWS Media service?

asked 2 years ago413 views
1 Answer

You may need to review what the error message is when the job fails. Does it indicate an issue with source file? Please verify the name of the source file for the AWS MediaConvert job contains no additional characters, such as a space.

Do you know what is the wrapper type for the H265 encoded file? Is it an MP4 or some other format? You may try changing the extension from .265 to .mp4.

Also, the template System-Ott_Hls_Ts_Hevc_Aac creates HLS with HEVC (H.264) encoded video. Is this what is needed? Perhaps the System-Ott_Hls_Ts_Avc_Aac could be used to create H.264 HLS renditions.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you, Mike-Me for your answer.

    • The file I tried to convert is: A220531_083012_083026.265 (No space in file name)
    • I don't know wrapper type is, but what I know is that I could convert A220531_083012_083026.265 to A220531_083012_083026.mp4 with ffmpeg
    • I did try changing A220531_083012_083026.265 to A220531_083012_083026.mp4 but it did not work with MediaConvert
    • "Also, the template System-Ott_Hls_Ts_Hevc_Aac creates HLS with HEVC (H.264) encoded video. Is this what is needed?" NO. The files I want to encode are in H.265 format

    Does it mean MediaConvert does not support encoding H.265 files?

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