BUG: Server process started correctly but did not call InitSDK() or ProcessReady() within 5 minutes


I'm on AWS Gamelift SDK version 5.1 and I'm getting this error when trying to deploy a fleet:

Server process started correctly but did not call InitSDK() or ProcessReady() within 5 minutes.

This is how I'm calling InitSDK() in the code:

//InitSDK will establish a local connection with Amazon GameLift's agent to enable further communication.
var initSDKOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.InitSDK();

Before, I tested this using AWS Anywhere code and this was working properly:

//WebSocketUrl from RegisterHost call
var webSocketUrl = CreateURI(listeningPort);

//Unique identifier for this process
var processId = Environment.ProcessId.ToString();

//Get this from calling AWS register-compute API. needs to be refreshed every few hours.
var authToken = "c689b530-c84c-4d5b-a668-fd62afdd7238";

//Unique identifier for your host that this process belongs to
var hostId = HOSTNAME;

Debug.Log("initiating AWS server");

ServerParameters serverParameters = new ServerParameters(

//InitSDK will establish a local connection with Amazon GameLift's agent to enable further communication.
var initSDKOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.InitSDK(serverParameters);

But when I switch over to InitSdk() without parameters, the deployment doesn't work. Also, I have a version of the code successfully deploying with AWS Sdk version 4.2, but I'd like to upgrade to 5.1 if possible. The 4.2 version is working, calling InitSdk() like this:

//InitSDK will establish a local connection with Amazon GameLift's agent to enable further communication.
var initSDKOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.InitSDK();

Why is this code working in v4.2 but not in v5.1? Is there something I'm doing incorrectly?

asked 10 months ago244 views
1 Answer

Hey Loopdisk,

You can remote access compute resources on your GameLift Fleet via AWS SSM to help debug logs, crashes, etc.: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/developerguide/fleets-remote-access.html

Additionally, a common mistake when switching from SDK4 to SDK5 is to not specify the ServerSDKVersion when creating your GameLift Build resource, so that is worth double-checking: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/apireference/API_CreateBuild.html#gamelift-CreateBuild-request-ServerSdkVersion

If you are still facing issues, I would recommend creating a support case so the service team can help out directly.


answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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