Error when modifying db.m5.xlarge RDS MySQL for Performance Insights


I'm trying to modify a db.m5.xlarge RDS instance by upgrading the DB engine version from MySQL 5.6.34 to MySQL 5.6.41, and enabling Performance Insights. I see that Performance Insights is compatible with "Amazon RDS for MySQL version 5.7.22 and higher 5.7 versions, and version 5.6.41 and higher 5.6 versions".

When I try to modify the instance, I get this error:

Performance Insights not supported for this configuration, please disable this feature. (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination; Request ID: 75165480-8e15-44e8-971b-3a11d8645b71)

Any idea what's causing this?

asked 5 years ago1178 views
2 Answers

sounds like "this configuration" = MySQL 5.6.34...and that you'll have to try enabling it AFTER your instance is at 5.6.41.

answered 5 years ago

Thanks - it looks like that solved the problem!

answered 5 years ago

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