STS regional endpoint in multiple regions fails on establishing connection


in the past few months, a lot of regions are failing on establishing connection to regional sts endpoint using .Net nuget AWSSDK.RDS 3.7.314.1. For example East Asia , Switzerland North, South Africa West. lately at 27/8 at 15:03:33 all the request to failed on System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. and the accounts to establish the connection in have South Africa West enabled. Can you please advise?

2 Answers

By default all the regions you have listed are disabled by default and you have to opt in. Please check the AWS account has those regions enabled using the link below

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answered 10 days ago
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reviewed 10 days ago
  • All these regions are opt in for the account. The requests to the endpoints doesn’t always fail. But it’s happening a lot in the last few months.


Hi, Any update on this? the account has all these regions enabled and opt in, and the endpoint sometimes works

answered 7 days ago

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