Bug: Why does the AWS Audit Manager Assessment show inconsistent count for control sets after editing the Custom Framework?


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a Custom Framework with 4 control sets.
  2. Create an Assessment using the custom framework created in the above step1.
  3. Edit the Custom Framework and add one more control set to it, making it 5 control sets in total.


  1. The issue now is, you will still see 4 control sets in the Assessment.

Expected result:

  1. The Assessment should show all 5 control sets


  1. Create a new Assessment using the Custom Framework created in the above step1.
  2. You will see 5 control sets this time as expected
asked a year ago262 views
1 Answer

Kindly check after adding control set, ensure you are saving the changes because I am not able to reproduce it. I can able to see the five control sets when I follow the above steps. After adding the control sets, Kindly refresh the AWS console page to reflect the changes.

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answered a year ago
  • Thanx for your comment. However, you missed to create an assessment using the custom framework. The count does not reflect in the assessment created using the framework that was changed later.

    Create a Custom Framework with 4 control sets -> Create an Assessment with the Custom Framework we created (here, the ASSESSMENT will show 4 controls) -> update the Custom Framework with 5 control sets -> go to the ASSESSMENT(this ASSESSMENT should show 5, however the issue is that it still shows 4).

    The screenshot you shared is of the Custom Framework, not the ASSESSMENT.

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