AWS Quicksight with DynamoDB


I want to visualize data in DynamoDB using Quicksight. I have created a connector between Athena and DynamoDB, The data is now accessible from AThena. however, When I load this data to quicksight from Athena, I am not able to load the data and the dashboard shows error, "The dataset is deleted or became unavailable while ingesting into spice". How can I load the DynamoDB data for visualisation?

2 Answers

The dataset is deleted or became unavailable while ingesting into spice

This is almost always due to a permission issue. You should be able to expand the error to see the exact exception you are seeing. If none is available, then you can refer to your Cloudtrail logs.

You can also follow this guide to troubleshoot permission errors with Quciksight:

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago


Please, follow the detailed guidance of this blog:

It shows you exactly how to do it.



profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago
  • Hi, I have the athena table ready for dynamodb as mentioned in the blog. I can see the data in quicksight as well. But at time of visualization, its showing error.

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