Hudi Clustering


I am using EMR 6.6.0, which has hudi 10.1. I am trying to bulkinsert and do inline clustering using Hudi. But seems its not clustering the file as per file size being mentioned. But it is still producing the files in KB only.

I tried below configuration:

hudi_clusteringopt = { '': 'myhudidataset_upsert_legacy_new7', 'hoodie.datasource.write.recordkey.field': 'id', 'hoodie.datasource.write.partitionpath.field': 'creation_date', 'hoodie.datasource.write.precombine.field': 'last_update_time', 'hoodie.datasource.hive_sync.enable': 'true', 'hoodie.datasource.hive_sync.database': 'my_hudi_db', 'hoodie.datasource.hive_sync.table': 'myhudidataset_upsert_legacy_new7', 'hoodie.datasource.hive_sync.partition_fields': 'creation_date', 'hoodie.datasource.hive_sync.partition_extractor_class': 'org.apache.hudi.hive.MultiPartKeysValueExtractor', "hoodie.datasource.write.hive_style_partitioning": "true", "hoodie.datasource.write.operation": "bulk_insert", }

"hoodie.datasource.write.operation": "bulk_insert",


inputDF.write.format("org.apache.hudi"). \
        options(**hudi_clusteringopt). \
        option("hoodie.parquet.small.file.limit", "0"). \
        option("hoodie.clustering.inline", "true"). \
        option("hoodie.clustering.inline.max.commits", "0"). \
        option("", "1073741824"). \
        option("hoodie.clustering.plan.strategy.small.file.limit", "629145600"). \
        option("hoodie.clustering.plan.strategy.sort.columns", "pk_col"). \
        mode('append'). \

except Exception as e: print(e)

Here is the data set if someone wants to regenerate:

inputDF = spark.createDataFrame( [ ("1001",1001, "2015-01-01", "2015-01-01T13:51:39.340396Z"), ("1011",1011, "2015-01-01", "2015-01-01T12:14:58.597216Z"), ("1021",1021, "2015-01-01", "2015-01-01T13:51:40.417052Z"), ("1031",1031, "2015-01-01", "2015-01-01T13:51:40.519832Z"), ("1041",1041, "2015-01-02", "2015-01-01T12:15:00.512679Z"), ("1051",1051, "2015-01-02", "2015-01-01T13:51:42.248818Z"), ], ["id","id_val", "creation_date", "last_update_time"] )

asked 2 years ago574 views
1 Answer

Not certain, but I would give this parameter a try next:
"hoodie.copyonwrite.record.size.estimate" (

This is the parameter I use to assist with file sizing. The lower you set it the larger the files. The documentation mentions this should be automatically determined but I've always had to manually tune this parameter to avoid small files.

answered 2 years ago
  • I tried with EMR but its not updating the file size

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