AWS LIghtsail: After removing additional disk and destroying it, unable to SSH connect to instance.


Hello! After removing the additional disk connected to a lightsail instance and destroying the disk afterwards, I'm unable to connect to the instance via SSH. Connecting to the instance via the browser interface is still working.

Rebooting doesn't help. I tried to create a new disk and mount it to the same path, which also didn't work.

The additional disk didn't contain any critical files. In fact, I removed it because it was empty.

Any ideas how to solve this? Or will I have to create a new instance?

asked 2 months ago277 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


For the disk detachment, did you perhaps stop the instance and are you also perhaps not using a Static Ip with your Lightsail instance? Because the public IPv4 address of the instance may have changed during the stop-start of the instance (if not using a Static Ip) and hence your older SSH command using the older instance public IPv4 address is no longer working.

If you instead use the instance's current public IPv4 address, SSH should likely work.


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answered 2 months ago
reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • You are right! It seems the IP address changed on reboot. I didn't know that would happen!

    Thank you!

  • Just to clarify, the IP address changes on stopping and later starting of an instance, not on reboot. The IP address does not change on reboot. stop-start and reboot are separate actions. . Glad it was just that :)

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