Route53 - alias to cloudfront, distribution not listed


As I understand I should be able to use an alias to point the apex of my domain to a Cloudfront distribution. When I attempt this I get the following message and no list of distributions:

An alias to a CloudFront distribution and another record in the same hosted zone are global and available only in US East (N. Virginia).

The message isn't particularly clear. CloudFront distributions are global by default so I don't know what needs to change to allow this.


2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi There

In addition to Abhishek's answer, please also Check CloudFront distribution names

Before routing to CloudFront distributions, be sure that the name of the resource record you create matches a CNAME in the CloudFront distribution.

For example, if the record name is, your CloudFront distribution must use as one of its alternate domain names.


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks, the confusion was that CloudFront system indicates not to specify apex for CNAME, but in the case of use with a Route53 alias it is correct.


Could you please make sure that you did the below


You must create an Alias record for the CloudFront distribution to work.

Value/Route traffic to

Choose Alias to CloudFront distributions. The us-east-1 Region is selected by default. Choose the domain name that CloudFront assigned to the distribution when you created it. This is the value that you got in step 1.

The detailed steps are outlined under

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks, the confusion was that CloudFront system indicates not to specify apex for CNAME, but in the case of use with a Route53 alias it is correct.

  • "You must create an Alias record for the CloudFront distribution to work." this helped me fix our issue of the same nature! thanks @Abhishek Soni !!

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