Weird costs on Cloudwatch


Good evening everyone. Here on my company, we use a few AWS resources (some S3 buckets, a Beanstalk application, 2 RDS and an ElasticCache cluster). But, we have a lot of metrics (none of this resourses use custom metrics). As example, only on this 10 days, Cloudwatch costs us 58USD. (Our RDS is the second biggest cost ATM, and now is 20USD.) Can you guys give-me some help how I can find what is generate this cloudwatch bill?

3 Answers

Hi There are two options for your inquiry.

  • Analyze CloudWatch cost and usage data with Cost Explorer : Access to the Cost Explorer and filters for service with CloudWatch. Then choose Usage Type to Group By. You will see the which API Operation and Region generated the most costs. See the below link for the detail.
  • Analyze CloudWatch cost and usage data with AWS Cost and Usage Reports and Athena: Another way to analyze CloudWatch cost and usage data is by using AWS Cost and Usage Reports with Amazon Athena. AWS Cost and Usage Reports contain a comprehensive set of cost and usage data. You can create reports that track your costs and usage, and you can publish these reports to an S3 bucket of your choice

To prevent cost surprise, I recommend using AWS Cost Anomaly Detection :

Thank you

answered a year ago
  • Hello, friend. I forgot to tell about this part. I already check on Costs Explorer and on Athena. On Athena, I saw most of the usage (95% of it) is on UsaseType CW:MetricMonitorUsage. As far I researched, It is a Custom Metric, right? It could be generated by Cost Explorer Reports?


Hi Samuel, UsaseType CW:MetricMonitorUsage is the custom metric. All the metrics under 'Custom namespaces' are charged.

You can find the which API is the majority of usage as below filter setting. In order to start identifying where the majority of usage is coming from, you can set the Cost Explorer chart to filter the output by any "Usage Type" containing the word "MetricMonitorUsage", and group by "API Operation"

  • Set the Filter by Usage Type (RegionCode-CW):MetricMonitorUsage
  • Group By Dimension = API Operation

Thank you

answered a year ago
  • It just shows "MetricStorage usage" as cost source

    Found it! My Beanstalk application have like 600 "NOT AWS" Custom Metrics configured on it. But when I check the instance, the monitoring is using the basic monitoring.


Does your beanstalk application publish logs in structured logs (called "EMF" for Embedded Metrics Format) format by any chance? If so, that could be a source of custom metrics.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • it's a metabasse instance. I just checked the .ebextension file and there's a cloudwatch file with a lot of metrics. Thanks a lot guys!

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