Lightsail web portal throwing 400 error


When I log into

It's throwing this error:

400 Bad Request
Request Header Or Cookie Too Large

What's going on with LightSail? How do I fix this access the server configurations?

On the same note, I've seen other errors in the past when logging into LightSail (including something about API limit exceeded??) Is LightSail a reliable option to run servers?

OS: Windows 10 64bit 20H2
Browser: Chrome 64bit latest version

Edited by: rboy on Apr 30, 2021 5:05 PM

asked 3 years ago465 views
4 Answers

I don't know why it happened, but clearing the cookies seem to resolve this issue. If anyone has any insight into this (and my other question about reliability API limits error when logging into the web portal) it would be appreciated.

answered 3 years ago

Heh, flashback to my days as a volunteer on AOL telling everyone to clear their cash and delete cookies.

profile picture
David G
answered 3 years ago

Regarding the "Request Header Or Cookie Too Large" issue: we've verified the problem and are currently working on a fix. In the meantime, you can clear your cookies or switch to another browser if you continue to experience this issue.

Regarding the "API limit exceeded" errors: this error may occur if you rapidly refresh the page (assuming you're seeing this error on the Lightsail console). This error happens when your API request rate exceeds the rate allowed by Lightsail, and does not mean that the service is unavailable.

answered 3 years ago

Thanks for the clarification.

The APi error happened as soon as I logged into the lightsail console web portal. I didn’t refresh the page.

Edited by: rboy on May 4, 2021 10:42 AM

answered 3 years ago

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