Is it safe to delete the original files from Amazon S3 after using the COPY command to import the data into an Amazon Redshift table?


Hi AWS community,

I hope you're all doing well. I have a question regarding data management and best practices when using Amazon Redshift and S3.

Once data has been successfully imported into an Amazon Redshift table using the COPY command from an Amazon S3 bucket, is it safe to delete the original files from S3? As my team is trying to optimize our storage costs, we want to ensure we're following the correct approach without compromising data integrity.

We understand that the COPY command reads data directly from S3 into Redshift and makes a copy of the data internally. However, before we proceed with the deletion, we would like to confirm if there are any potential risks or considerations we should be aware of.

Thank you

asked a year ago622 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Yes, once data has been successfully imported into an Amazon Redshift table using the COPY command, it is safe to delete the original files from the S3 bucket. The COPY command reads and loads the data into your Redshift cluster, and once the data is loaded, Redshift does not rely on the original S3 files.

However, there are a few considerations you should keep in mind before deleting the files:

  • Backup and Recovery: If you delete the original files from S3, you will not be able to use them for data recovery in case something goes wrong with your Redshift cluster. You should ensure that you have a backup strategy in place, such as Redshift's automatic snapshots or manual snapshots.
  • Data Verification: Before deleting the data from S3, you should verify that the data has been correctly and completely loaded into Redshift. You can do this by running some test queries or comparing row counts.
  • Future Use of Data: If you might need the original data files for other purposes (like loading into another database or performing some other kind of processing), you should keep them in S3 or move them to a cheaper storage class like S3 Glacier.
  • Cost Considerations: While deleting the data from S3 will save on storage costs, you should also consider the cost of data transfer and the cost of storing backups.

Remember, it's always a good practice to have a data retention and backup policy in place. This policy should balance the cost of storage with the need for data availability and business continuity.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you Ercan. I will take this into account. You made me realize we need to do some re work in our data backup policy to find a good solution for those old files that does not require frequent access,

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