Unable to Re-enable Amplify Studio - please help


I have been using Amplify Studio on Free Tier for nearly a year and all of a sudden I cannot deploy new versions of my application.

I get a build error of

The following resources failed to deploy: Resource Name: UserPoolClientLambda (AWS::Lambda::Function) Event Type: update Reason: Resource handler returned message: "Service returned error code AccessDeniedException (Service: Lambda, Status Code: 403, Request ID: 07f6c823-3e5c-4fe7-8a6a-010c01c63750)" (RequestToken: f821c1a1-4be9-14ce-4c07-cd1c3f956157, HandlerErrorCode: AccessDenied)

I looked at troubleshooting suggestions and tried to disable Amplify Studio and re-enable it. but now it won't re-enable. I simply get this message: Failed to enable Amplify Studio for app dn6n9836vxv2z: The user does not have permissions to call lambda createFunction. The user does not have permissions to call lambda createFunction.

My user account has these policies below but I still get the same bold error above. Any help your be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

  • AdministratorAccess-Amplify
  • AWSLambda_FullAccess
1 Answer

I am also getting this error.

In my case, it seems the AWS-managed role "AdministratorAccess-Amplify" is missing the "lambda:CreateFunction" permission. Thus, Amplify itself wouldn't have permission to create a backend for me.

I have tried creating a custom role in IAM that attaches the AWS-managed role "AdministratorAccess-Amplify", as well as a custom built one that contains the permissions described in this article.

However, even by setting the Service Role of my Amplify app to this custom role that attaches both AdministratorAccess-Amplify and my custom build one that contains the necessary permissions, the error "The user does not have permissions to call lambda createFunction." still occurs.

answered 2 years ago
  • Perhaps it is the permissions of my very user that needs to be changed, not necessarily the Service Role of my app, because it is the user that triggers the setup of AmplifyStudio. However, there doesn't seem to be a configuration I can change to alter the permissions of my own user to enable lambda:CreateFunction

  • Even I am getting same error unable to delete or create the UserPoolClientLambda function. Did you found any fix for this?

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