How do I factory reset my AWS Account or how do I delete all the services and their resources back to having a clean slate?


I have used AWS services for a while. But now I want to delete all services and resources to start fresh. Some 'Stacks' from CloudFormation and 'Applications' from Lambda are not getting deleted when I try to delete them. How do I delte these resources? Alternatively, is their any button in AWS that reset the account?

3 Answers

What error occurs when I try to delete CloudFormation?

I think that using aws-nuke will help to delete most all resources.

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answered a year ago
  • When I try to delete a stack from CloudFormation, a red coloured snackbar appears at the top saying, 'Failed to delete stack.'

  • Thanks for the reply. By the way, what kind of resources are you creating in that CloudFormation stack?


There is no button in AWS that resets the account, but you can delete all of your resources manually. Here are the steps on how to delete a stack from CloudFormation:

Go to the CloudFormation console. In the navigation pane, choose Stacks. Select the stack that you want to delete. In the Actions menu, choose Delete Stack. In the confirmation dialog box, choose Delete. Here are the steps on how to delete an application from Lambda:

Go to the Lambda console. In the navigation pane, choose Functions. Select the function that you want to delete. In the Actions menu, choose Delete Function. In the confirmation dialog box, choose Delete. If you are still having trouble deleting these resources, you can contact AWS Support for help.

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answered a year ago
  • I followed these steps exactly. But got an error. A red coloured error snackbar at the top saying, "Failed to delete stack". Hence the question here.


Have you tried steps in this trouble shooting document ?

Have you checked your role, if you have permissions of deleting a stack? Also do you see any error in the events tab?


answered a year ago

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