Integrate OAuth2.0 to SSO in AWS


I'm creating a Spotify data analysis tool to communicate with the company API so I can provide a service on my web for people to see some insights of their spotify profiles. To do so, I need to incorporate the SSO on my web with the OAuth2.0 protocol (given by Spotify to use their API).

I would like to know if someone can guide me into the steps to do this since I have no prior experience working with external users authentication.

1 Answer


As you said in your message, Spotify requires that you use OAuth 2.0 for authorization against their API. Docs here Based on the docs and your message above, it looks like the Authorization Code-Flow would be your best choice.

They do point you to a github repo with a full functioning example, but unfortunately it looks like the link in the docs is broken. Ive found the repo here

Hope this helps Craig

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answered 2 years ago

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