Problems configuring credentials for AWS CLI


I use a federated identity via IAM Identity Centre, and I'm running into all sorts of problems when using AWS CLI. I have run the following commands: aws sso configure aws sso login --profile [profilename] But certain commands return "expired token" errors, even though I've just logged in. I can't clone or work with CodeCommit repositories, as a Git Credentails Manager window keeps popping up asking for username and password. I have tried several troubleshooting steps, manually changed the config file to make sure it exactly matches the required format, but nothing works. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer
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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
  • I have done all these steps. The problem is, the moment I try to clone my codecommit repo, I start getting a pop up window Git Credential Manager asking for username and password to access the repo. It seems somehow my AWS credentials are not getting passed over to Git Credential Manager.

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