aws is restricting my office ip, I can't connect to my ec2 instance via ssh, but my home ip can connect to port 22!


Our current office ip is indeed restricted by aws for port access, we need to connect to ssh, and even though I opened all ip's ( in the security group, I can't access port 22 in the office, but the ip's in the house are accessible normally, can you please escalate it to the tech department to remove our restriction as soon as possible. so as not to delay our work.

I also tried vpn in my office network, I checked the ip change, but still can't connect to ssh!

asked a year ago274 views
1 Answer


re:Post is a community forum site, so it is not possible to remove restrictions on the AWS side.

You say that SSH is not possible from the office, but is it possible that the office router, proxy server, security software, etc. is configured to block SSH?

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Hi,

    I don't know if it was an accident, it was working fine all the time and all of a sudden one day it wouldn't connect, we didn't make any changes, I think aws restricted my office IP, it's aws's problem and responsibility, it's interfering with our normal work (for more than 7 days!)

    Thanks, Rece

  • If you are sure that the problem is completely on the AWS side, we recommend that you open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing" and check.

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