Current limit of fleets of 0 have been reached..



I am trying to deploy the Gamelift test suite, but am getting the following error:

Current limit of fleets of 0 have been reached..

We are a video game development company and we want to deploy our games on your infrastructure. Please get in touch with us. If there is someone who can give us support in Spanish, it would be the best option.


  • When attempting to create a GameLift::Fleet resource, the follow error occurs: Error! Cannot create the fleet. Reason: Current limit of fleets of 0 have been reached..

    This link shows the GameLift service quotas for my home region (us-east-1).

    The Fleets per region is set to 20. I have one active fleet, but I have been unable to create a new GameLift::Fleet resource since Feb 28th 2022. Prior to Feb 28, 2022 I had been able to create multiple simultaneously active fleets. What changed? How does this get fixed?

  • Hello! We are facing the same problem. AWS Support Team keeps sending the boilerplate answer, and it is not helpful at all... Did you manage to solve this issue?

asked 3 years ago1.1K views
2 Answers

Thanks for using GameLift. Please follow the below steps to reach out to AWS customer support, and they can help you increase your limits.

  1. Go to
  2. Select "Service Limit Increase"
  3. In "Limit type", select "GameLift"
  4. In "Requests", select your region. If you need multiple regions, select "Add another request" and select more regions
  5. In "Case description", specify the following information
    • Instance type
    • Desired limit
  6. Submit
answered 3 years ago


I think you have reached the Limits you need to contact AWS support to increase the Fleet limit, Please find the below link about the Limits of service quotas but any time you need AWS support team will help you to increase the limit

Here are the instructions how to request for the limit increase

Thank You GK

profile picture
answered 3 years ago
  • When attempting to create a GameLift::Fleet resource, the follow error occurs: Error! Cannot create the fleet. Reason: Current limit of fleets of 0 have been reached..

    This link shows the GameLift service quotas for my home region (us-east-1).

    The Fleets per region is set to 20. I have one active fleet, but I have been unable to create a new GameLift::Fleet resource since Feb 28th 2022. Prior to Feb 28, 2022 I had been able to create multiple simultaneously active fleets. What changed? How does this get fixed?

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