How do I create multiple environments for IoT services?


I've built an IoT services application that is ready to be deployed to customers. I want to create a new IoT services instance so that my development environment is isolated from my production environment, but I'm not seeing a clear way to do that. With other AWS resources like databases or EC2 servers, you start by creating an instance, and you can create other separate instances later. With IoT, it seems like there is only one IoT environment tied to my whole AWS account. I don't want to commingle my test devices with real customer devices. What's the recommended way to go about this? Do I need to open an entirely new AWS account?

I thought that the solution might be to create a new "Tenant" for my production environment but I'm not really following how that works. I suspect it's not as simple as going somewhere in the UI and saying "create new tenant".

Thanks, Frank

asked 2 years ago576 views
1 Answer

Hi Frank. Generally speaking, multi-account approaches are recommended. Not just for IoT workloads incidentally. High level guidance here:

Ideally your whole solution is IaaC that you can deploy into any account. Promoting changes to the production account after testing in dev/test/staging/non-prod. In the case of your IoT devices, you would have your test devices in a test account.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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