2 Lightsail instances triggered 300TB traffic alarm after only several hours ping&echo testing?


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I was testing two Lightsail instances via some ping&echo tools which only lasted for about a few hours, and then I decided to add some network usage alarms. I saw this notification immediately when alarms were saved. So what is going on here?

Thanks a lot.

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Please take a look :-) Does this just indicate the existence of these alarm rules? Rather than already being triggered? Can someone confirm this for me? Thanks.

asked 14 days ago176 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the alarms triggered for network in and network out. It appears that the alarms may have been triggered due to missing data points. By default, the alarm configuration treats missing data points as breaching the threshold, which can lead to false positives. We understand that you have already deleted these alarms. When creating new alarms, please pay special attention to the settings, especially regarding how missing data points are handled. If the instance is new and not expected to have metrics yet, adjusting these settings can help prevent unnecessary alerts.

answered 13 days ago
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reviewed 12 days ago
  • Thanks a lot :-D

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