Verify alert email associated with expiring TLS certificates in ACM


We have had some outages due to expired TLS certificates. My understanding is that AWS auto-renews these certificates, and if there is a problem with the auto-renewal then an email alert is sent. My question, is there a way to check which email is receiving these alerts? In our case, the application teams have apparently not received these alerts, and we would like to ensure the appropriate personnel receive alerts for expiring certificates so that they can be renewed before an outage occurs. Any information on other ways to be alerted would be greatly appreciated.

asked a year ago367 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

It would be better to set up alerts in the manner described in this document.
This setting allows for alert notifications in a set number of days before the expiration date.

Alternatively, since ACM publishes metrics to CloudWatch, it is possible to create an alarm with "DaysToExpiry" to be aware of expiry dates.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you for the answer! Does this solution work for AWS issued certificates or only imported certificates?

  • Both of the ones above are also supported. The "DaysToExpiry" metric supports both imported and AWS-issued certificates.

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