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WHOIS Contact Information Hijacked


I have a domain registered with Route 53. This morning I received an email from Amazon stating that my contact information had changed to something I didn't recognize. I went to the Route 53 console and all of my contact information is correct. If I go to, the record was changed this morning (around the time Amazon sent me the email) to the one I don't recognize.


  • Is it possible to change the WHOIS record outside of Amazon?
  • Will this new, incorrect data eventually make its way to my Route 53 configuration?
  • Am I at risk of losing the domain if I can't figure out how to correct this?

My presumption is, since Amazon manages the domain for me, they should be the source of record for the WHOIS contact information, which adds to the confusion of why it could have changed in the public record but still be correct in my AWS console.

asked 2 years ago388 views
1 Answer

When you register a domin with AWS Route 53, AWS provides the Domain Name Registration Service through ICANN-accredited registrars. Your contact informaion on Route 53 could be different on, as AWS is not accredited registrar by ICANN - that is my understanding.

Only the person or organisation who register or update the DNS records - that can change the records. I do not know your hosted zone and its records and how did you configure it? But remember there is a always solution and AWS has one of the best support team to assist its clients. It appears this could be a human error by a new employee or machine language.

Thank you and please advise me whether this answer has helped you.

answered 2 years ago

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