AWS FlexMatch "NEW_REQUEST_WITH_A_DUPLICATE_PLAYER" ticket cancellation doesn't trigger the SNS topic.


My gamelift matchmaking queue is facing an issue. So the previous ticket is cancelled by the queue if a new ticket contain the same player id. When I check the ticket status of the previous ticket after submitting new ticket with the same player id, I see, "Status": "CANCELLED", "StatusReason": "NEW_REQUEST_WITH_A_DUPLICATE_PLAYER", "StatusMessage": "Matchmaking cancelled due to duplicate players in ticket 2ff23165-4d30-43ff-a76f-*********". But this event is not triggering the SNS topic attached to the topic and hence the lambda is not getting triggered. How can I ensure cancellation of ticket due to duplicate will trigger the sns topic and I can see the status cancelled for the ticket in my dynamodb?

1 Answer

Hey IndieGameDeveloperFromParallelWorld,

Thanks for bringing this up. This is an issue we have heard from other customers, and I’ve passed this case along to the service team to assist with prioritization. With cases like these we carefully evaluate our approach to ensure backwards compatibility is maintained, which can increase the time to roll out the changes.

In the meantime, we recommend polling your tickets with DescribeMatchmaking on an infrequent interval (30 - 60 seconds), as a backup solution to recover when events are missing or dropped.


answered a year ago

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