monitoring UI users activity real time


Hi team,

I would like to implement real-time user activity monitoring for our front-end application, to track all user's activities and show it to a real-time dashboard.

while searching I saw a lot of services like: kinesis stream, cloud watch RUM, OpenSearch,.....

would like what is the best architecture implementation for my use case: services to use and architecture to put in place.

appreciate your help.

Thank you!

1 Answer

Assuming that you would like to explore AWS native solutions, one could be that uses beacon web servers to log requests from a user’s web browser, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to capture website clickstream data, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to compute metrics in real-time, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon DynamoDB to durably store metric data. It also features a dashboard that visualizes your account activity in real-time. The below reference presents the architecture you can build using the example code on GitHub.

The example of sending to beacon server is here -

There is a blog which may help -

Now depending on the needs , you can also push data to OpenSearch for dashboarding purpose.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for your answers! so how can I implement this solution if my VPC is 100% private (all private subnets) should I use APG instead of ALB? the ALB should be of type internal?

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