Search the list of devices connected to aws iot core


Is there a way to query a list of devices connected to aws iot core?

  1. Is it provided by the AWS IoT API? (
  2. Is it provided by AWS IoT Core monitoring? (example. cloudwatch)
  3. Or do you need to manage the device's connection state yourself? I want to know the list of connected devices, not the access history. Thank you
asked a year ago1293 views
2 Answers

Hi. You can use fleet indexing and SearchIndex. The query is connectivity.connected:true: These queries can be done on the console, with the CLI, or with Fleet Hub.

You can also use fleet metrics to get aggregates such as the count of connected devices: You can monitor the fleet metrics in CloudWatch.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thank you!!

  • No worries. The best way to thank me is to Accept the answer. :-)

  • Yes, you can use fleet indexing, but it's not real-time. I prefer to catch "$aws/events/presence/connected/clientId" and "$aws/events/presence/disconnected/clientId" events and save it on DynamoDB


I did this the way one of the commenters above, Eddy, suggested. To explain that a little more, what I did was to write a short lambda attached to the presence lifecycle:

SELECT * FROM '$aws/events/presence/#'

In my case, the lambda writes a record to timestream. You could write it somewhere else, like dynamodb, I benefit from having a log. This works for me because I don't have that many disconnect/reconnects so the timestream cost is negligible - YMMV.

I won't paste the entire lambda here (unless you want me to) but this is the general outline:

function handleConnectionChanged(status: LifecycleMessage, context: Context): Promise<boolean> {
/* junk deleted */
    const values: MeasureValue[] = [
        {Name: "session", Value: status.sessionIdentifier, Type: MeasureValueType.VARCHAR}
    if (status.eventType?.length) {
        values.push({Name: "event", Value: status.eventType, Type: MeasureValueType.VARCHAR})

    if (status.ipAddress?.length) {
        values.push({Name: "ip", Value: status.ipAddress, Type: MeasureValueType.VARCHAR})
    const writeRecord: WriteRecordsRequest = {
        DatabaseName: "my-iot-db",
        TableName: "my-tracking-table",
        CommonAttributes: {
            Time: status.timestamp.toString(),
            TimeUnit: TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
        Records: [
                Dimensions: [
                    {"Name": "clientId", "Value": status.clientId, DimensionValueType: DimensionValueType.VARCHAR},
                    {"Name": "principal", "Value": status.principalIdentifier, DimensionValueType: DimensionValueType.VARCHAR}
                MeasureName: "state",
                MeasureValueType: MeasureValueType.MULTI,
                MeasureValues: values
   /* write the record */
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answered a year ago

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