Fargate without API Gateway


My service's current architecture is : Client --> Service global API gateway --> GraphQL Router --> sub-Service X API Gateway --> sub-Service X Lambda. Here problem is client is going to send 20MB request but API Gateway limit is of 10MB and lambda limit is of 6MB. So I am exploring whether can I use fargate instead of lambda and can also avoid API gateway to avoid any payload limits ?

Or we are also open to use any other compute instance other than fargate which doesn't have any payload size limits.

Also, we know S3 upload is one of the solution, but due to some limitation we cannot use that approach.

2 Answers

I answered with the URL below, but I think it is possible to avoid payload restrictions by using ALB and EC2, ECS, etc.
A possible disadvantage is that it is executed on demand, so it may be more expensive than API Gateway or Lambda.

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answered a year ago


A very key feature of API Gateway is that it is secured by AWS IAM in terms of Authentication and Authorization. Replicating the level of security of IAM on your own will be hard if you decide to reach Fargate container directly (which is possible).

So, I'd recommend to think twice before eliminating it.



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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