Attaching a FSx File Gateway to a Production FSx for Windows Fileserver File System


I could use instructions (if the feature is supported) for attaching a FSx File Gateway to a production FSx file system after the latter is in productions (with low impact on uptime for the latter.) The FSx file system will serve most shares directly but a handful will be published via the gateway. Consider this a proposed retrofit to mitigate real world issues with slow data throughput and latency.

asked a year ago310 views
1 Answer

Instructions for attaching an existing Amazon FSx system to a gateway can be found here.

Keep in mind, however, that you should ensure that files can only be written from a single location at a time. From the FAQs: “You may access your file shares from both Amazon FSx File Gateway as well as directly from Amazon FSx in AWS; however, you should ensure that files can only be written from a single location at a time. In this release, Amazon FSx File Gateway will not prevent writes from multiple locations to overlap in a way that creates conflicts.” If you still need help, please submit a support ticket in the Support Center.

answered a year ago
  • What is the impact of attaching a FSx File Gateway to a production FSx file system? Should we expect a service disruption or downtime? on uptime for the latter.)

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