Redshift: Failed to connect


Hello, I'm trying to connect to my Redshift Serveless, but I get the following error:

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I'm using the serverless endpoint, my admin credentials (password has been generated by AWS) and the default port and database name. If I try to ping the IP the error returns to me it doesn't answer.

Actually "Publicly accessible" option is enabled (on). If I try to turn it off, the error I get is the same, but the IP shown changes.

The IAM role I'm using is the autogenerated one to grant access to Redshift Serverless and every S3 bucket.

I have also set all IPv4 accessible inbound and outbound rules of the VPC security group. Nothing has changed.

Do you have any idea about what is the problem here?

I don't even understand where this IP shown by the error comes from.


Following the suggested documentation I got this type of configuration for my serverless workgroup.

Network and Security Settings Inbound Rules Route table Internet Gateway

Is there something wrong? I still get the same error.


I have used the Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver (x64) to create a connection following the documentation, but I get a timeout connection error. I still believe the problem is in my network configuration.

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asked 24 days ago121 views
1 Answer
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answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 24 days ago
  • Thanks for the reply. I have followed the second article, but I don't understand how to check if my internet gateway's target is set with source The internet gateway is attached to my VPC. The route table is as well. The inbound rule of the security group is set to all traffic and all ports, and the workgroup is publicly accessible. Still, I get the same error. I edited the question with the settings I'm using.

  • your subnet route table should have route to the internet for example via IGW

  • Thanks it solved the problem.

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