LoRaWAN gateway logs


I'm trying to find logs/metrics (any event really) that triggers on gateway specific actions - ideally, at a minimum connect & disconnect.
I've set the log levels to INFO, but in digging through the docs I'm starting to feel like perhaps there is no way to receive and act on gateway connect/disconnect events? I hope I'm wrong. Ideally we could wire up a webhook or MQTT event that fires when a gateway disconnects from AWS.

Also, I'm interested in pulling payload metadata specific for the gateway so we can analyze frequency usage by the gateway and devices, but pulling it from logs seems a mess.

Any recommendations?

Edited by: barryjump on Aug 6, 2021 2:12 PM

Edited by: barryjump on Aug 6, 2021 2:12 PM

asked 3 years ago379 views
9 Answers

Is there any update about this, we've been expecting a push mechanism for gateway status (online/offline and/or latest uplink) but there seems to be no news about this feature.

answered 2 years ago
  • Adrian, you may have noticed this already, but there is a new feature that kinda does what I was asking. In IoT setting page there is a new module called LoRaWAN and Sidewalk event notifications where you can see the$aws/iotwireless/events/connection_status/+/lorawan/wireless_gateways topic which you can act on in the broker.

  • AWS-User-9404308 thanks for the tip, however unless there's something to remove or work around the 250 max gateways cap (or to add the event for all gateways) this won't work for my use case where I need to monitor the connectivity status of all gateways present in the system (which could be easily above 250)

  • Have you tried to use resource-level topic subscription? Like in this link, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-lorawan-gateway-events.html. Also if you want to bypass the 250 limit for your monitoring, you can call the API multiple times with each one under the limit, if the resource-level topic is not working for you.

  • A couple of weeks ago I noticed that feature (which I believe it was not available 3 months ago) and I'm using it with a simple rule to push gateways connectivity status changes to a lambda function. Thanks for the help anyway ;)


Hi Barry,
You don't need the logs to see the gateway connect or disconnect. If you are using console, you can directly see the gateway status change (connect/disconnect). If you are using API, GetWirelessGatewayStatistics can give your the status as well. The doc link is here, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot-wireless/2020-11-22/apireference/API_GetWirelessGatewayStatistics.html.
Please let us know if you only need the logs.
Hope this answers your question.

answered 3 years ago

Thanks Russ.. I was aware of the API, but was really hoping there was a push mechanism (maybe through an event bus or MQTT?) rather than constantly needing to poll the API. I've got the logs somewhat configured in cloudwatch, tried reseting a test gateway, but only saw logs related to the certificate being accepted on reconnect. Not exactly a connect message, but close. What I didn't see was a disconnect event in the logs. If the gateway was offline for hours or minutes we wouldn't know.

I'd like to fire an alert (email, text, etc) when a connect/disconnect happens. Is that possible?

answered 3 years ago

Hi Barry, thanks for the input. We are working on some push mechanism for this kind of events. It is coming soon. Please stay tuned. If you have other events that need to be pushed, please also let us know.

answered 3 years ago

Hey Russ, curious if you guys are any closer to this being a reality?
Was hoping the release cycle on your Lora product would be as quick as others... Really want to be able to use this in prod.

answered 3 years ago

Hi Barry,
This mechanism for gateway connect/disconnect events has not been included in the latest roll-out yet. We are aiming to put it in the 2nd stage of the notification next. There is no concrete date for this release. I will keep you posted once there is a date. It should be very soon.

answered 3 years ago

Thanks Russ.. Do you guys have a public roadmap for LoraWAN? Also, where could I follow the release notes - interested in checking out your latest release.

answered 3 years ago

Just checked with our PM. It seems we don't usually share roadmap publicly. You can check with our customer account team if they have any source. Regarding this notification mechanism, I will update here whenever it is to be released.

answered 3 years ago

Hi, I was wondering if there's any update on this new feature, it'd be really useful to be able to switch to this "new" notification mechanism over our current periodic polling (for gateway status) solution.

answered 2 years ago

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