CDK - Cloudwatch DashboardVariable in LogQueryWidget



I'm wondering if it's possible to have a DashboardVariable update a LogQueryWidget in a dashboard. I'm using CDK Typescript fro this.

So far, I've had no luck trying. All other widgets I'm using get updated properly using the dashboard variable.

Sample Code:

const siteVariable = new cloudwatch.DashboardVariable({
      id: 'Site',
      type: cloudwatch.VariableType.PROPERTY,
      label: 'Site',
      value: 'Site',
      values: cloudwatch.Values.fromSearchComponents({
        namespace: MYNAMESPACE,
        metricName: 'MyMetricName',
        dimensions: ['Site'],
        populateFrom: 'Site',
      visible: true,
      inputType: cloudwatch.VariableInputType.SELECT,
      defaultValue: cloudwatch.DefaultValue.value('All'),
const dashboard = new cloudwatch.Dashboard(this, 'TestDashboard', {
      dashboardName: `TestDashboard-Dashboard`,
      variables: [siteVariable],

const vendorLogQuery = new cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget({
      height: 6,
      width: 24,
      logGroupNames: ['/aws/lambda/MyLambdaFunction'],
      queryString: `fields @timestamp, @message
      | filter @message like "$Site"
      | sort @timestamp desc
      | display @message
      title: 'Testing - Site Data Logs',

I've tried numerous variations of the queryString: | filter @message like /$Site/ | filter @message like "Site" and numerous things like siteVariable.toJson() and trying to manipulate that with no results.

I've also tried queryLines with no result:

queryLines: [
        'fields @timestamp, @message',
        'filter @message like /$Site/
        'sort @timestamp desc',
        'display @message',

I've found no documentation on this, so I assume it's not possible, but I'm hoping someone might have an answer.

1 Answer


I also tried using the code below, but I couldn't switch the display using the dashboard variable.
Probably, but I was wondering if the log query widget can't be toggled with a dashboard variable.

    const variables = new cw.DashboardVariable({
      id: "functionName",
      type: cw.VariableType.PROPERTY,
      label: "Function",
      inputType: cw.VariableInputType.SELECT,
      value: "FunctionName",
      values: cw.Values.fromSearchComponents({
        namespace: "AWS/Lambda",
        dimensions: ["FunctionName"],
        metricName: "Duration",
        populateFrom: "FunctionName",
      defaultValue: cw.DefaultValue.FIRST,
      visible: true,

    const dashboard = new Dashboard(this, "SampleLambdaDashboard", {
      dashboardName: "myLambdaDashboard",
      variables: [variables],

      new TextWidget({
        markdown: `# Dashboard: ${lambdaFunction.functionName}`,
        height: 1,
        width: 24,

      new LogQueryWidget({
        logGroupNames: [lambdaFunction.logGroup.logGroupName],
        queryLines: [
          "fields @timestamp, @message",
          "sort @timestamp desc",
          "limit 20",
        width: 24,
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answered 22 days ago
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reviewed 22 days ago
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reviewed 22 days ago

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