stack creation fails: "IPv6 rules can only be specified for VPC security.."


Using facebook's new Conversion Api Gateway - I am trying to set up a cloudformation stack (I believe it's the facebook template that sets it up automatically for me) but I get "CREATE_FAILED" with the following error message:

ipv6-ranges is not a valid parameter. IPv6 rules can only be specified for VPC security groups. (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameter; Request ID: db0e8b28-d345-4e12-8620-03b79a21b2c7; Proxy: null)

I have tried creating a new (default) vpc with Amazon ipv6 support, but no luck.

See screenshot link for details!

asked 3 years ago283 views
1 Answer

I tried with another region and it worked.

So presumably some old settings of mine were causing this.

I am marking this one as answered.

answered 3 years ago

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