Can't Delete Certificate because there are Dangling Load Balancer Resources


Hello AWS,

I have a custom domain (registered via Route53) and created API Gateway resources for this custom domain yesterday.

After deleting ALL (!!!) API Gateway resources and even doing an "aws-nuke" on my account, I still have API Gateway load balancers associated with my ACM certificate.

The ARNs for the load balancer resources look like this: "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-central-1:<some-aws-account-id>:loadbalancer/app/prod-fra-1-az1-1-31/<some-mores-stuff>"

This is annoying as I cannot delete the certificate as long as these association hold.

Can anybody help me with this?

Best, David

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

When you associate an ACM certificate with an API Gateway, the service creates the backing resource (CF Distro or ALB, depending on your API GW deployment). Although you have deleted the API GW resource on your end, unfortunately the association hasn't been removed on the backing-resource end.

So, how do you fix this? Raise a case with AWS Premium Support, under the ACM service. If you're not currently paying for a support plan (Dev, Business, or Ent) then simply raise a case with Customer Support (covered by the free-tier support plan) and simply link them to this forum question. From there, they can reach out to the ACM support team and get the association removed for you.

Also, in case cost is a concern - ACM public certs are free of charge, so no cost is being incurred by you for having the cert remain in your account.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thanks for answering, will do that. Thought I might have missed something but already had the feeling that it's a bug.


There might be an API Gateway custom domain associated with the certificate. To remove the binding and allow ACM to delete your certificate, you need to remove the API Gateway custom domain first.


answered 3 years ago
  • Please read the question carefully. I deleted EVERYTHING else in my account and the resources are still there. So I don't have ANYTHING in my API Gateway service and in any other service.

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