Can't find my Glacier vault


Since 2014 I have been using Glacier to hold my family photos, it is pushing the photos from Synology NAS device, I am paying a very minimal fee around $6 month. Back in 2014 I did set it up and I completely forgot about it until last month I got a message from AWS that I need to set up MFA for my account. I couldn't even login at first but managed to log in eventually, now when I look at the S3 Glacier service I see no vault. But when I go to my account, I am seeing that I am getting charged $6 every month from Glacier service meaning there must be some data it is keeping on ice for me.
How can I find and access this data? Can anyone please help?

asked 24 days ago104 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Probably, but there may be a problem with the region you are viewing.
Please follow the steps in the document below to change the region of the management console and check if your vault is in another region.

Additionally, once you have found your vault, you can download the archive by following the steps in the documentation below.

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answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 23 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 24 days ago
  • As far as I know, I don't think there are any third party tools to extract the data.

    I can use to browse the files and pick and select 1-2 to download?

    Are there separate archives for each file? If the archives are separated, you can select and retrieve the required archive ID using the "initiate-job" command. If they are not separated, I think you will need to acquire them all at once.


Actually, without even changing region, the vault somehow popped up, no idea how or why. Instead of using the cmdline tool is there any tool I can use to browse the files and pick and select 1-2 to download? I don't want to download whole 2 TB for 2 files.

answered 24 days ago

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